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A year of our Social Day Clubs in Harrogate

It’s a year since we launched our Social Day Clubs, and we now have a lovely group of people who join us regularly from across the Harrogate and Knaresborough area.

The sessions take place on Mondays and Wednesdays in a light and cosy room with a TV, a large dining table and additional space for games and activities.

A typical session might include some gentle chair exercise, baking, gardening, bingo, memory games and quizzes, jigsaw puzzles, music, art and crafts. A nutritious lunch is also served, along with a packed tea to take home.

day care centre harrogate
Concentrating on bingo


Our aim when we began the day care centre sessions was to combat isolation and improve health and wellbeing by providing a warm and welcoming space for people to come together. It offers a change of scene for those who are cared for at home, while also giving family carers a little time to themselves.

It’s been so wonderful to see what a difference our Social Day Clubs make to the people who attend.

Among them are Dave, Charlie, Moly and Liz. We spoke to them to find out what they enjoy about the sessions.

“I love it here”

Dave has been coming once a week since the beginning. Some of the colourful artwork he has created during the sessions has been framed and displayed on the walls.

He said: “It gives me something to do; it’s great company. I like the bingo, jigsaws, colouring and baking. It’s a really cosy room, and we also have a nice lunch and a packed tea.”

Charlie has also been coming every other week for a while, and enjoys meeting people outside of his family. Charlie used to play cricket for a local side in Ilkley, and often chats to Donald about cricket and football, which they both follow avidly. Both men are cared for at home by their wives, so their attendance at the sessions also gives their wives some respite and time to themselves.

Charlie said: “I like doing activities and playing a game of dominos. I also love a jigsaw and like baking. I take things home for my wife that I’ve baked here.”

Moly attends twice a week and enjoys the atmosphere of the cosy room. He said: “I love it here, I like the people and the company, and it’s nice and friendly. I like to play memory games and do baking and exercises. I call the carers little angels.”

For Liz, who attends both sessions each week, the enjoyment comes from getting out of her flat for the day and meeting different people. She’s particularly made friends with Maureen and can often be found chatting and nibbling on a nice biscuit.

She said: “I like doing jigsaws, reading the newspaper and baking.”

Open to all

Our Social Day Clubs are open to all adults, regardless of whether they currently access care services, and we always welcome new faces. Held in a newly-decorated room specially set aside within the Continued Care offices in Harrogate, the sessions are attended by people who already use our services as well as others who just come for the session. People can self-refer or be referred by a family member or healthcare professional.

Artwork created by the people who attend our day care centres is displayed on the walls, and there is also a large bookshelf filled with books, board games and jigsaw puzzles.

Everyone who visits also enjoys a delicious two-course lunch home made by our carers using fresh vegetables and meat. All diets can be catered for, and a discussion takes place each session with those attending to find out what meal they fancy for the following week. They are also given a packed tea to take home that includes a sandwich, drink, chocolate bar, piece of fruit and a packet of crisps.

“It’s lovely to see the friendships made”

Our Social Day Clubs are run by Tina, a rota co-ordinator with us in Harrogate, and Sue, one of our community carers. As trained members of our team, they and their colleagues can support any of our participants with personal care needs if required. Our premises also have fully accessible toilets and extra equipment on site if needed.

Tina said: “It’s nice for people to come and socialise at the sessions, especially if they live by themselves. It’s lovely to see the friendships being made, and if one of the group is absent one week, it’s nice that everybody notices.

“Two of our regular participants, Eddie and Elsie, had known each other when they were teenagers and then went off and lived their separate lives. They happened to meet each other again at our sessions and it’s been wonderful to see them rekindle their friendship.”

Sue added: “It’s inclusive and people can join in as much as they want. If you want to bake, you bake – and if you don’t want to bake, you don’t. Last week we found a balloon and had great fun playing with it. It’s a very relaxed, informal atmosphere and people can just do whatever they feel like.”

Free taster session

Our Social Day Clubs run on Monday and Wednesday every week from 10am to 3pm. The cost includes a cooked meal, transport there and back, packed tea to take home, and activities. Participants may be eligible for funding towards the cost – please ask us about this when you book.

A free taster session is available for those visiting for the first time. All sessions must be booked in advance. To find out more or to book a place, please call Amanda on 01423 871 003.

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